Boy George returns Cypriot icon he’s had for 26 years
Jan 20: The legendary pop icon Boy George has returned a Cypriot church icon that he bought in the eighties, after a Bishop saw it hanging on the singer’s wall on a TV show. The discovery was made by the Cyprus Orthodox Church’s representative in Brussels, Bishop Porfyrios of Neapolis while watching an interview with the former “culture club” and “Jesus Loves You” front man. Porfyrios told the BBC’s PM show “On left side of fireplace at his house during the interview we located in Boy George’s living room an icon of the Jesus Christ Pantokrator” Suspecting the icon to be one of the many stolen and sold on after 1974 invasion, Porfyrios decided to delve deeper. He said: “Afterwards we researched the story with expert accounts, and we found it stems from Cyprus, specifically from the church of St Charalambous in the occupied village of New Chorio Kithrea” After verifying this with the priest from St Charalambous, he contacted the singer and told him about the icon’s provenance and he was...
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